The aim of the HanDS project is to develop an integrated innovative approach to prevent
current pupils to be unemployed and get stuck at home, and to reengage people in education
and training who have had their education interrupted due to various reasons.

In order to reach this goal, secondary schools from The Netherlands (VAKSCHOOL HET DIEKMAN) and Italy (TEN R. RIGHETTI) decided to join forces. Although schools play an important role in addressing these problems they cannot and should not work in isolation. These problems need an integrated approach consisting of a right mixture of prevention, intervention and compensation measures. Therefore two work development organisations with a direct link to the labour market were added to the consortium: SURPLUS (The Netherlands) and EEPL (Germany).

This project is co-funded by the EU Erasmus+ programme. The aim of Erasmus+ is to contribute to the Europe 2020 strategy for growth, jos, social equity and inclusion, as well as the aims of ET2020, the EU’s strategic framework for education and training. Erasmus+ also promote the sustainable development of its partners in the field of higher education and contribute to achieving the objectives of the EU Youth Strategy.

Specific issues tackled by the programma incude:

  • Reducing unemployment, espacially among young people
  • Promoting adult learning, especially for new skills and skills required by the labour market
  • Encouraging young people to take part in European democracy
  • Supporting innovation, cooperation and reform
  • Reducing early school leaving
  • Promoting cooperation and mobility with the EU’s partner countries