Introduction With this last newsletter we like to inform you about the latest activities of our Erasmus+ project HanDS. An overview is given of the activities of the last semester. The project is executed by a partnership consisting of two secondary schools (Vakschool Diekman, Enschede The Netherlands) and Ten R. Righetti, Melfi Italy) and two development organisations active […]
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Newsletter April 2018
Introduction With this newsletter we like to inform you about the ongoing activities of our Erasmus+ project HanDS. An overview is given of the activities of the last semester. The project is executed by a partnership consisting of two secondary schools (Vakschool Diekman, Enschede The Netherlands) and Ten R. Righetti, Melfi Italy) and two development organisations active in the field of labour market policy (Stichting Surplus, Enschede The Netherlands and EEPL Finsterwalde Germany). Aim of the HanDS project is to develop an integrated innovative approach to prevent current pupils to be unemployed and get stuck at home, and to reengage people in education and training who have had their education interrupted due to various reasons. More specific the project will have the following outputs: a measuring system to categorize pupils and job seekers in order to offer them the rightful attention and guidance. a suitable employment/internship programme for pupils to gain as much as possible practice work experience in a short period as possible (internship carousel). a connection between the (warm) school and the (cold) labour market through the development of two new school environments: a labour‐based training centre and a labour‐based evening school. web based “guidelines” based on the job carving principle. For this purpose, during a three year duration period, the partners in close cooperation with each other: have four transnational meetings (TPM’s) in three countries (The Netherlands, Germany and Italy) […]